Lesbian Getaways
Dr. Dimitra Kamarinou
"Good to See You...It's Good to Be Seen"
August 17th, 10am-10pm, $50
Jody's home in Mission Viejo
Lunch, dinner & beverages are included
So much has happened since covid struck and the world turned upside down. Now, so many online opportunities have opened up thanks to technology. Online dating is more accessible than ever. There are even some phenomenal online learning communities such as The Conscious Girlfriend Academy that I am very much a part of and fully support. Ruth and this community are changing so many lesbians, queers and non-binary people’s lives every day.
All this is a good thing…and yet, I suspect there are more people than ever feeling disconnected and lonely. There are still those of us that are wanting deeper and more meaningful kinds of IN PERSON interactions. I suspect that we, as human beings, want, and actually need these types of connections in order to not just survive, but thrive in this chaotic world we find ourselves in.
During this structured day at our home, we will have the opportunity to access our empathetic hearts and set aside the judgemental aspects of our minds in an attempt to truly witness one another through exercises and sharing and just some plain old fun (the pool, hot tub, ping pong and foosball tables are great props). Fun and laughter is important too. It’s good for our souls.
PRE-REQUISITES: You don’t have to be good at it. You certainly don’t have to be comfortable with it. You don't have to be excited about it either. You don’t even have to worry about looking good either. You DO, however, need to be willing to go for it (participate fully), whatever that looks like for you. If you have thus far in life been an observer, watching others participate, I invite you to ask yourself if you are willing and ready to try something different. Again, only willingness is required, not success or results. Please take a moment to sit with that if it applies to you.
Who knows, some feelings and awkwardness might come up and that’s perfectly ok. In fact, encouraged. When we let our defenses down and move past caring what others think, we can start accessing more of our authentic selves. Easy to say, right? My intention for us is to create an environment where we can feel safe with one another and from there, we can create magic!
My training in mediation, Non-Violent Communication (NVC), Neurolinguistic Programming, hypnosis, Reiki and Reconnection Healing, conflict resolution and relationship coaching (Conscious Girlfriend Academy) has been deeply powerful, moving and life changing. That being said, I am certainly not an expert. Remember, the goal here is to be in this experience together and we’ll draw on each other's experience and expertise throughout the course of this experience.
Life is about learning and growing both independently and together through the relationships we choose. You can think of it like creating a peer support, women’s circle type of group that is witnessing and empowering one another, ongoingly. We can be each other’s teachers and students, because we all have so much wisdom to share (whether you realize it or not). I want to provide a safe space and place for this to unfold in our beautiful home and yard in Orange County.
My intention is that when you walk away that night after a full day together, you will feel empowered, connected, seen, satisfied and content. Hopefully, at least some of the new connections you have made will end up being a significant part of your support system to move forward into the future feeling a bit less invisible in this crazy world we find ourselves in.
SAMPLE SCHEDULE: (subject to change-depends on our count and the energy of the group)
9:30-10:00am: Arrival, grab a beverage and meet one another
10:00-11:00am: Announcements, agreements and Introductions with
targeting sharing
11:00-12:00pm: Life Maps (or similar) exercise
12:00-1:30pm: Lunch-enjoy one another or take time for yourself if you like!
1:30-3:30pm: Sharing our Life Maps
3:30-4:30pm: Break to connect more with one another
4:30-6:30pm: CIRCLES - rotating small group sharing to facilitate more intimate conversations through responding to various thought provoking questions.
6:30-8:00pm: Dinner- rest, relax, enjoy down time together
8:00-10:00pm: A surprise activity depending on the energy of the group &
closing circle! Could be dancing, massage, hot tubs stories around the fireplace??
The fee for this day is $50 to cover lunch, dinner, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. Feel free to fly in for the day and we will do our best to accommodate you overnight. If not, there are nearby hotels. Don’t let distance stop you if you are called to come.
I totally trust that those of you that sign up for this special day are exactly the right individuals that will create the exact perfect group! If you know you're in, please click the registration link below and complete the questions and make the payment.
REGISTRATION: Please click this link to go to the google registration form
​**It is important that you arrive on time and stay for the entire experience. If you have a scheduling conflict, please reach out to me to explain before signing up so we can determine if it will work.
Space is limited. Please don't wait if you know you want to come.
Please text or call me if you have any questions or comments. My contact information is below.
If you can not make it this time but would like to come to a future event like this, please click to register and add your contact information and say yes to the last question so I can let you know about the next one.
With great anticipation and excitement,
So Many Women...So Little Time
Lesbian Getaways